To recogni tzoe recognize ou rour c oclollecltect today today. Roll roll call pcleaalsle please. Director metcalf is expected but may be director metcalf is expected but may be running a bitrunning a bit la. Madam madam ch achairr y oyou ddo haveo have a quorum a quorum. Thank tyou andhank you and wewe di did tatkaeke a brief a brief hyatis so hyatis so welcome welcome bac bkack. Is is thherere nnew oorr oolldd business business . Seeing none well move onto . Seeing none well move onto the executive directors report. The executive directors report. Good morning everyone. We have quite an agenda to the it has been about is good morning everyone. We have quite an agenda to the it aaboutout juusst bbeegginin with with sosmeowmhaetwhat highlights highlights we have we have reached reached over over a million craft a million craft hou rhourss hours hours pulling pulling those those hours hours out of out of our online our online ppaayy roll roll systsemy wsetem we did did hhaveave a a as i
To recogni tzoe recognize ou rour c oclollecltect today today. Roll roll call pcleaalsle please. Director metcalf is expected but may be director metcalf is expected but may be running a bitrunning a bit la. Madam madam ch achairr y oyou ddo haveo have a quorum a quorum. Thank tyou andhank you and wewe di did tatkaeke a brief a brief hyatis so hyatis so welcome welcome bac bkack. Is is thherere nnew oorr oolldd business business . Seeing none well move onto . Seeing none well move onto the executive directors report. The executive directors report. Good morning everyone. We have quite an agenda to the it has been about is good morning everyone. We have quite an agenda to the it aaboutout juusst bbeegginin with with sosmeowmhaetwhat highlights highlights we have we have reached reached over over a million craft a million craft hou rhourss hours hours pulling pulling those those hours hours out of out of our online our online ppaayy roll roll systsemy wsetem we did did hhaveave a a as i
Very pleased with their Apprentice Program at this point and tim donovan reporting. Moving onto the apprenticeship trims this is through the First Quarter end of march 31st st the First Quarter, with 143 apprentice trade hours and we are hitting our goal apprentice hours we have a goal of 16 and twothirds percent for non labor and operators and right now were at about 18 percent with apprentice labor and non operators so thats fantastic exceeding that goal and on the labor ors themselves were very close to the apprentice goals its dropped a little bit in the last quarter off by one really if you look closely thats very close then the operators thats a very good story at this point i believe that would be shimmick mostly they are on board right now and exceeding their apprentice goals with their operators so a lot of good to report for the pla apprentices and so forth so if theres any questions that completes my First Quarter 2014 report. Thank you harper. We realize that our structural
Work and in the far eastern zone there was a slab pore pore number 11 and pore number 12 will be at the end of this month and this is the reinforcing steel for pore number 12 one of the highlights of that area its the foundation for the main light column in the middle of the project there and those are the anchor bolts you might recall the slab there is 5 feet thick you can see the anchor bolts are 6 to 7 feet long. The geothermal work finished up and the subgrade preparation before the mud slab and the mud slab going in and the waterproofing continuing on the eastern zone so on the cast nodes were working through the first full release the first 3 columns the very first column denoteses the total number of cast notes being fabric ated and in process and cast machining columns but theres a total of 56 and a total of fifty have been shipped to the steel fabric ate ors and ill show you a slide of that in just a moment were doing very well with the cast node production no Quality Control