decision to get rid of him. why did you fire director comey. he wasn t doing a good job. live with the first look at comey s final words and a letter he wrote to his employees. obamacare on life support, the major insurance just pulled out from the marketplace, what it could mean for your family and your wallet. from the beaches of baywatch to the oval office, a possible 20/20 run. fox and friends first starts now. what is wrong with being confident what is wrong with being confident hope you are waking up feeling confident this thursday
naive andic nornt about the way the real world works. he should not have promised this grandiose thing. he should have done the thing nixon said he cannot do. find out who cannot, give them a check. simple, done and done. charlie gasparino is mur muring. here s why. isen it somewhat ironic the man mitt romney is criticizing obamacare. don t p doesn t that strike you as odd? is it critical? i m just saying that i hate this law. i think it s economically unfeasible. but it s economically unfeasible. it was modelled after what mitt romney did. i think you have to take a little of what said by a grain of salt. he is criticizing a narrow aspect. whether he lied or not. he is not criticizing the law. a lot of people have criticized the law and pointed
left. we watch fell le vision shows, would decry how many insurance companies are doing x and y. it just expanded. . what the leftped was national health care. right. the left didn t get national health care. we got an expanded insurance program. it s messy. i don t think anyone thought this would be simple. i have been silent. i want to add to something adam said is every time you arc you a point of fact, anybody on the, against obamacare. if we point out something that s gone wrong with it. people act like we are the devil. i m tired of people on twitter telling me, i hope you die of cancer because i have problems with obamacare. that s the way they have treated. if you say anything negative that s a point of fact. when you use words like
stimulous, his health care. thank goodness for the stimulus. who knows where solyndra would have been and all the solar companies that are going broke, think of where they would be now. the obamacare is a big care. i am not for that manned s. there are other things i am for in that. sean:r. aren t you for pre-existing conditions we were willing to pass [overlapping dialogue] sean: you don t know what i am for. okay! then tell me! sean: i am for patient power, it s a great book. that is individual insurance accounts so that have you control of your own accounts, in your healthy years, it incentivizes answer the question. sean: catastrophic insurance is part of if. if you don t need health care, you get to build up an account and that s your money. how s that? what about if you don t have
any insurance, people right now, and they have a pre-existing condition. they have cancer. what do do you? what would you do? sean: they get treatment. that s that s a fact. they are losing it right and left because of obamacare. if we don t get this ended, everybody s sean: more with our great, great american panel, straight ahead. [ female announcer ] here in california, our schools need help.