the washington post and as groucho marx coulddsay, who me oo your ownneyes??3 e? jon: cedarr sinai are gging to theemedia is focussing almost exclusively on the neeative stories about attfordabll care act. they re hardly covering the new yook times is promoting most people who are gettinggit, most people in the country, in -pfact, aae positive ssories. it s the negative stooies they rr fissing ouu to keep the narrative going that helps thee whatever they e tryinggto sell. jon: all riggt. trying to undermine obamaaare? no. i think given the fact that probably 80% or 90% of themm suppprted ppesidenttobama and
states, 25 red states, they e not done as good of a job 3 implemenning it buu in the blue states, they ve done a much better job and peoole are much happper with it. jim: new yorkktimes has done, i guess, the addvcatts of obamaaare a service in ttotting out profiies of people ho have been helppd by tte prrggamm righh. there you have it. there s the plln in action. the titanic saint bbt fp we get a good p.r. campaign, e lll convince people made it across was the iceberg. governor oomalley of maryland, democrat, fired hhs head of obamacare implementation a few days aag. meanwhile, nobody in the -padministration is being fiied. that explains why they re still having problems, why you see tte over the country, about how the% program is not working evenn though the ainstrram media % have, as you suggested with the new york timess and i would aad