DEVOS: Biden leaned down, put his hands on my shoulders, and pressed his forehead to mine. I think about that encounter every time I hear Biden talk about dismantling our reforms of Title IX.
teachers were ready to go back to schools and it was safe but it was trump and devoes with their political b.s. made them think otherwise. she trying to rewrite history and it is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. and it again is covering the failings of a system that has failed thousands and millions and millions of kids. bill: one other topic i want to get to. student loan forgiveness. it seems like the commander-in-chief is ready to do something on this at some level. one proposal, $10,000 maximum cap. you get relief if you make $125,000 a year, $150,000 for a couple. could go as high as $300,000 for a couple. a lot of income now. so here is what a former obama education department lawyer said. call for two. if the issue is litigated, he argues, the more persuasive analysis the end to support the