that democrat josh shapiro when the governor s race in the midterms. democrats are now on track to get some big things accomplished. access to abortion will likely be safeguarded. a minimum wage hike is also any work. lgbtq pennsylvania s are likely to gain new protections and police reform, gun control measures, green energy measures, could be on the table. in short, as we d like to say every time on this show, every election matters when the vote count. coming up on the second hour of ayman, breaking news, a third high altitude object has been found. this one in northern canada. plus, president biden goes on offense after a state of the union effect and republicans are running scared. undermining democracy. new conservative majority on the north carolina supreme court might overrule past decisions that protected voting rights. i am ayman mohyeldin, let s get started. we begin this hour with our breaking coverage of a third unidentified object, shot down over north america
the other two won the races by 50 and 75 points. for months on this show, we have been covering the chaos that ensued when due to a series of unexpected issues, three seats won by democrats in the november elections were left vacant. pennsylvania republicans took that opportunity to in effect, steal their way to a majority in the state house. clearly ignoring the will of the people by pretending that they had a majority while those seats remained unfilled. but now that those special elections have been held and the winner settled, it seems like a more drama free environment will be coming into effect because democrats will now control the commonwealth s legislature for the first time in a dozen years as we mentioned earlier. and it is coupled with the fact that democrat josh shapiro won the governor s race in the midterms. democrats are now on track to get some big things accomplished. access to abortion will likely be safeguarded. a minimum wage hike is also any work. lgbtq
state? i totally disagree with your thesis, we are an absolute toss-up state. only one time in the last four presidential election has a candidate crossed the 50% threshold that was romney in 2012, with 50.4%. trump never crossed 50% and obama didn t win he won in 2008. no other state has had that mirror of a margin, in 2020 president biden lost north carolina by just over one point. it was the state he lost most narrowly. so we are absolutely in play for the presidential race in 2024. as it relates to state races, i want two times and 16, even though trump won two times, even our governor, democrats have proven they can win in south carolina and we are in play in the presidential in 24. that is why we invite you on the show so you can correct or
the entire country. the republicans wanted to have a delegation that was ten republicans, for democrats or 11 republicans and three democrats. that s just not the way it supposed to be. let me get your thoughts on state politics for a moment. we know the republicans still hold the north carolina, they still have a stronghold on north carolina politics even though democrats won the governor s race. political pointed out it didn t turn out to be, i think with some had hope for the north carolina would become a toss-up state after president obama won it in 2008. what do you think the strategy should be for your state to increase for democrats chances in making north carolina a purple state it s not a toss-up state? i totally disagree with your thesis, we are an absolute toss-up state. only one time in the last four presidential election has a candidate crossed the 50% threshold that was romney in 2012, with 50. 4%. trump never crossed 50% and obama didn t win he won in 2008. no other