it was extremely intense because what they were talking about were all of the issues that led to the bad numbers that brie yap na was talking about and one of the main problems is th that these website issues are something the administration understands are bad but republicans are tripping over themselves to say that they believe that this is something that they should have known better about and democrats are saying come on, republicanps are crying crocodile tears because the obama administration excuse me, republicans never liked this plan. reporter: a month and a after half after its troubled launch, the website is running at barely half its intended capacity from the white house lead tech official. we have much work still do do, we are making progress at a growing rate. reporter: todd park, forced to testify by gop subpoena, said he cannot guarantee the website will be fully functional by the end of this month.
mr. chairman every witness has been allowed to complete their entire answer. reporter: outside this hearing frustration is bipartisan. democrat jose serrano is a loyal obama supporter. we ve got people, you know, who got kids in college dorms that can invent yahoo!. they couldn t have helped with this? reporter: he was coming out of a closed-door meeting, one i was told was pretty contentious between house democrats and administration officials this morning, mostly focused on a different obama care problem which is people getting dropped from their health care plans they like. democratic sources i talked to say that anxious house democrats in that meeting demanded that the white house come up with a way for americans who want to keep their health plans to go ahead and do that, just as the president promised. otherwise, wolf, democrats in the house say i m told by many sources they may be forced to vote for a republican bill which they don t want to do because this is the
cancellation of those policies. it does not require changing of those policies. insurance companies have done that on their own for their own business reasons. that s my view of it. i thought the grandfathering clause we had if you have something on the day the law is passed and they don t change it radically, y can still work even though it doesn t meet the minimum standards i thought that satisfied his pledge and i still do. you re in a minority. i know i m in the minority. even the president and former president and i don t mind having a view different from the majority. i ve had that many of my years into zeke emanuel, thanks for coming in? no problem. when we come back, millions of dollars spent by the tsa to keep you safe. has it worked. details of a disturbing new report that has been released. plus, the mystery face of the botched obama care site no longer a mystery. the so-called obama care girl is speaking out and isn t happy about all the attention she has rece
because that is the end of the enrollment period for obama care. that is why, that peak in december is why it s so important that the federal website for getting insurance that services 36 states is so important. you look at the numbers today, wolf, and what they show you is that there are 3 million, about 3 million calls to obama care call centers, there were 27 million unique visits to the website. you re really seeing a preference there for a lot of folks to do this on-line rather than through the call centers. which is understandable. let s talk about i understand you had a chance to speak with the health an human services secretary kathleen sebelius about the website. what did she say? this was during a conference call where she and hhs official were announcing the enrollment numbers and i asked her if she could stand by that promise by the obama administration that the website would be operational by the end of the month.
wrong. the president of the united states says it s wrong there s nothing in the bill that requires insurance companies to change the plan and knock people off. first, they always change these plans. let s remember, in the pre-affordable care act days, they changed the plans a lot, knocked people off, they canceled people, wait a second. wolf. california right now, a million people in california alone, have been told they have they have to get new insurance because of obama care. the nothing in obama care requires them to knock them off. insurance companies always change their plans. they have been doing it in the past. it s their business decision. that s the first point. obama care mandates all these policies have no mandatory things, like maternity, even if you re a guy. that s anyone who was in the plan at 2010 when the bill was passed could have been grandfathered in. the insurance companies want to change their plans, second of all, they see this as a dying