Pakistani cricketing legend turned world leader Imran Khan is wildly popular in his constituency and ancestral homeland of Mianwali, but the political posters that line the streets do not bear his face and flags do not fly his colours."Our party workers are facing harassment, and I personally have received death threats," says 61-year-old Jamal Ahsan Khan, who is standing for PTI in Mianwali in place of his leader.
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Mianwali: Pakistani cricketing legend turned world leader Imran Khan is wildly popular in his constituency and ancestral homeland of Mianwali, but the political posters that line the streets do not bear his face and flags do not fly his colours. A relentless
Pakistani cricketing legend turned world leader Imran Khan is wildly popular in his constituency and ancestral homeland of Mianwali, but the political posters that line the streets do not bare his face and flags do not fly his colours.
Imran Khan and his party, PTI, are facing a relentless military crackdown ahead of the election in Pakistan. The electoral commission has rejected dozens of candidates nomination papers, hindering PTI s campaign. Supporters have been arrested and detained, and the media is heavily censored. Despite these obstacles, Khan remains popular with the public and is seen as an anti-establishment figure.