presumably, is pretty extraordinary accusatioh presumably, is pretty extraordinary accusation. ., ., , , , accusation. remind me never to apply for a ob accusation. remind me never to apply for ajob with accusation. remind me never to apply for a job with the accusation. remind me never to apply for a job with the justice for a job with thejustice department. for a job with the justice department. for a job with the justice de artment. ,., ., , department. david. harriet, “ust imauine, department. david. harriet, “ust imagine. there i department. david. harriet, “ust imagine, there is i department. david. harriet, “ust imagine, there is a i department. david. harriet, “ust imagine, there is a quote i department. david. harriet, just imagine, there is a quote here i department. david. harriet, just| imagine, there is a quote here on the front page, staff were scared by making hundreds of life and death decisions about which they knew nothing. i mean, if that really w