in some of these areas all the stuff. we saw before. women being forced in some of these areas all the stuff- we saw before. women being forced to shelter we saw before. women being forced to shelter in we saw before. women being forced to shelter in homes, we saw before. women being forced to shelter in homes, girls we saw before. women being forced to shelter in homes, girls no we saw before. women being forced to shelter in homes, girls no longer- shelter in homes, girls no longer treing shelter in homes, girls no longer treing abte shelter in homes, girls no longer treing able to shelter in homes, girls no longer treing able to go shelter in homes, girls no longer being able to go to shelter in homes, girls no longer being able to go to school, - shelter in homes, girls no longer being able to go to school, meni being able to go to school, men forced being able to go to school, men forced to being able to go to school, men forced to spend being able to go to sc
Sâmbătă, 26 Iunie 2021 - Viceprimarul Sucevei Teodora Munteanu a pierdut functia de presedinte al Organizatiei Municipale USR PLUS Suceava. In urma alegerilor care au avut loc in cadrul acestei organizatii, functia de presedinte a fost castigata de Gianina Ursu, care a obtinut peste 55 din voturile exprimate in timpul scrutinului, care a durat doua zile.
Sâmbătă, 26 Iunie 2021 - Duminica intai dupa Rusalii a Tuturor Sfintilor Matei 10, 32-33; 37-38; 19, 27-30 Zis-a Domnul catre ucenicii Sai: Oricine va marturisi pentru Mine inaintea oamenilor, marturisi-voi si Eu pentru el inaintea Tatalui Meu, Care este in ceruri. Iar de cel care se va lepada de Mine inaintea oamenilor, si Eu Ma voi lepada de el inaintea Tatalui Meu, Care este in ceruri.