temporarily blocked a lowe court ruling that would have restricted the availability of mifepristone, one of two drugs used to induce a medicatio abortion, which is the mos common method of abortion in the united states. that means at least for th time being, mifepristone wil remain legal, and will be made available, according to curren fda regulations, where abortio is still legal it could be sent and receive through the mail, prescribed t patients by medica professionals over telehealt consultations, and can be used up to the tenth week o pregnancy. this is the first time that th supreme court has weighed in o the issue of abortion since th conservative majority decide to overturn roe v. wade less than a year ago. as is typical when the supreme court makes a ruling on an emergency appeal, the majority did not provide an opinion t explain that ruling. not to be know exactly how eac justice voted, except fo justices samuel alito an clarence thomas, spoke of whom noted in the o
the generic version of matthew stone filed a new lawsui against the fda in a bid t ensure that its product doesn get pulled off the markets adding yet another strand of complication to this entir issue. because of how contentious and confusing and conflicting th situation has become in just a matter of days, it is almost guaranteed that regardless o how the fifth circuit rules in next month s hearing, it wil be appealed again and wind u back at the supreme court in a later date joined now by nancy nort president of the ceo the cente of reproductive rights nancy, good morning to you thank you for being with us on trying to get a sense for m viewers about where we are whe we woke up this morning. some say this is something t celebrate, others say we wer rolling backwards and we jus stopped rolling for the moment well let me just start with, i certainly am hugely relieved was last night, woke up this morning. still hugely relieved that a least for the next, i don know, six wee