a presidential candidate. better than bernie. better than kamala, so far better than anybody. historically, even better than barack as in barack obama. when he started his trip to the white house. that was then. what is happening now? welcome, everybody, i ll neil cavuto and this is your world. if beto has the do dough does he have the momentum? if he has the money should he decide to internet presidential race. whittle down a crowd that right now is running potentially into the dozens. we may be getting ahead of ourselves. here is something that is not. they are pouring money fast and loose in campaigns that need it fast and furious and they are getting it. particularly in o rourke camp. fbn deirdre bolton has been following all of this? deidre? this was a first today record number. you call that $6.1 million online in the first 24 hours of beto o rourke s official
few miles down the road from where kristen was along the border wall, as well. i can tell you that o rourke takes this issue personally. the call out of el paso was almost designed. it couldn t have been better designed by president trump to get the o rourke camp s attention. this is someone who represented this city in the city council for a number of years, for three terms in the u.s. house. people here in el paso, not just o rourke, but people here in el paso were offended by the way the president has talked about their city. so putting this rally together, you ve seen some pushback on the idea that this is against the president. they re very careful to say that this is a rally tonight that would be for the city of el paso. the idea would be to try to define the city of el paso itself and not as what the president has tried to define it, as somehow a dangerous city that was somehow saved by the wall you see behind me. the idea that this is politically important for o rourke really c