we thank president bush for having made the right calls to set up this victory. the tools president bush put into place, gitmo, rendition, enhanced interrogation, the effort to get the information and put it in a usable form served his successor quite well. i don t know, folks, anybody playing a violin? do you see a pattern here? it s not going to stop. king took it to another level on o reilly s show. you mentioned we obtained vital information years ago. we obtained it through water boarding. for those who say it doesn t work and should be stopped and not used again, we got vital information. key information we got on a very, very vital thing. that is fascinating. you are not going to hear that on the other networks, i guarantee you. absolutely fascinating.
news analyst for comments that williams made on fox news channel regarding muslims and terrorism monday night. it came as on an appearance on the o reilly factor. rows james rosen is live with more. reporter: they cited those remarks on monday night s episode of the o reilly factor and said they were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices and that they undermined williams credibility as a news analyst with npr. the incident has its origins in bill o reilly s own guest appearance one week ago on the view, cohost joy behar and whoopi goldberg walked off the set in protest after o reilly argued that one of the reasons the muslim mosque should not be built two blocks from ground zero is because quote muslims killed us on 9/11 end quotement williams made the comments on o reilly s show.
$30,000, probably spent euros or pounds, to convert his house into a reptile playground, a crocodile and his closest cousins shack up in a luxury suite complete with a tv and pool. what do crocodiles watch on television? glenn beck. mr. weller sleeps in a separate loft. as a safety precaution mr. weller installed security cameras to monitor the animals. i need to apologize for that remark. to the crocodiles. all this worked very well until lunch time. if you took the long odds and bet on sarah palin calling out rush limbaugh for doing exactly what she called out rahm emanuel for doing, you lose. in watching the gop mind bending machine action on two fronts, how bill o reilly reacts to proof of the success of his b.s. and how fox turns the success of the top rated cable news show not on fox into news that the show is about to be canceled.
president but they re really really reasonable. and i think this poll shows that, no, they re pretty much crazy. when somebody who is watching o reilly s show hears him mock the idea the president should be impeached or that he s a socialist or born somewhere else or hates white people, what do you think o reilly thinks of those viewers and what do you think those viewers think of o reilly? you know, i think those viewers are more than happy to follow along and not along with bill o reilly just like with rush limbaugh. surveys have shown fox news viewers only watch fox news because they don t want to run the risk of ever coming across an alternate point of view. the man had karl rove on to give the republican response and besides dismissing birthers, it was very interesting because they did nothing to refute the results of the poll and neither of them said, i don t think republicans think he s racist or socialist. they simply claimed you re trying to demonize republicans. what sa
exceptional almost continuous coverage of haiti, grew to 20% ahead of cnn and 24% ahead of headline news. grew from the end of a year in which msnbc replaced cnn as the number two rated news network among younger viewers in primetime and yet the right wing believes this show is about to be canceled because it s so desperately wanting this show to be cana be canceled that the facts become irrelevant and it is better for them to pretend they are getting their way than to acknowledge that they re not. the activia challenge. and it worked. i don t know what i like better how it makes me feel. or the great taste. activia! doesn t like to be held back. they let me break past the counter. and choose any car in the aisle. unreal! oh yeah! whoaaa ( alarm sounding ) i m sorry. you okay? my bad, mr. sapp. oh yeah. go national. go like a pro.