we re telling everyone that the chicago blues gave us the blueot . and so we want everybody to put on their gym shoes, tie him up o realgyem because we re runningtt to the right. we re done. we don t want to talk to them anymorht.we aree. ve cho we have choices. have you seen this inside the blacick community, insidebl chicago? men and women are are they feelingcommunit this like you where you were in a big red maga hat when you when they see that, how do they respond to that? and what is the appetite respond for going red amongst the black community in chicago? they love iunitt. everyone loves our chicago maga hats. you see, we wear fedoras with the loves our on the side. this is the chicago look and everybody wants one. everybody wants to come to the meeting. everybods to they is saying, yow what, p ray? you ve been trying to warn us for years. you wereo wafos, right., we are sorry. please accept our apologies. please let us do sorry your organization. and i m like, it s fo