the 2022 congressional elections take their place i the history books right afte the 1934 congressional elections, because 2022 was th first time since 1934 that a first term president saw every senator in his party reelected every senator who is running in 1934, first term democratic placid and franklin roosevel sought every democratic senato running for election get reelected. president biden saw the same thing this year. and the democrats added a seat for their control of the senat when john fetterman one in pennsylvania, a very difficult state for democrats to win, as is arizona and georgia but, democratic senate candidates won in those states to for my race in arizona, i had support by republicans republican mayors and county supervisors, business leaders, law enforcement. you know, they ve come up to m frequently but also endorsed me republican mayors. because, you know, they re tired of what they ve seen ove the last, well, six years now. and they just want to ge thi
the 2022 congressional elections take their place i the history books right afte the 1934 congressional elections, because 2022 was th first time since 1934 that a first term president saw every senator in his party reelected every senator who is running in 1934, first term democratic president franklin roosevelt sought every democratic senato running for election get reelected. president biden saw the same thing this year. and the democrats added a seat for their control of the senat when john fetterman won in pennsylvania, a very difficult state for democrats to win, as is arizona and georgia but, democratic senate candidates won in those states too. for my race in arizona, i had support by republicans republican mayors and county supervisors, business leaders, law enforcement. you know, they ve come up to m frequently but also endorsed me republican mayors. because, you know, they re tired of what they ve seen ove the last, well, six years now. and they just want to ge t
the justice department has not been great at holding people t account when they have a lot o political power. and they can t content to th american people that that is not part of what happens in th united states unless they ar honest about that past and the take steps to confront it an defeat those forces when the inevitably have knocked on their door again rachel, the podcast i fantastic as i have said i would like to dwell, if we have the time, and i m being told by the control room tha we don t, on all the credits i this podcast i want to talk about the music i want to talk about you technical director and what he does exactly because it is such a magnificent presentation o every level, every second of it, the mood of it is perfect. the sound and the sound is more than jus the sound of your great podcas voice. it is just a fantastic production at every level. it is the favorite thing i v listened to of its kind ever thank you, lawrence you are being very nice abou it and i wi
and maybe they re no listening. but they do listen to you. so i gotta tell it right now the takeaway for the justice department is, do not be smo about this asserted value that nobody is above the law. the justice department in five does not have a great record o holding people to account by the criminal law if they are a person who has a lot o political power. and saying that the justic department is not influenced b political pressure, isn influenced by people threatening them politically either threatening them in congress or from the executive branch, the historical recor shows that the justice department has been pushed around that a senator threatens t increase oversight of th justice department unless they prosecutor gets fired. attorney general fired a prosecutor for that meeting the president pressured th attorney general to fire another prosecutor because tha prosecutor was one of hi friends. the justice department has not been great at holding people t account when they