2 p.m. – Movie: Lee Daniel’s The Butler
Friday, Feb. 12
1 p.m. – Fun & Fit
¯ Armchair Travel: The perfect cure for winter wanderlust. Join Nancy Feb. 9 and 23 for a video tour and refreshments.
Feb. 9: Paris, France.
Feb. 23: Iceland.
¯ Tidbits with Elmcroft – We will be joined by members of the Elmcroft Therapy Dept. to teach us the importance of core strength, and the best ways to improve it.
¯ Virtual Programming in February – No RSVP needed. Follow us on Facebook for links to our virtual offerings.
Mondays – Exercise with Nancy. Get moving from your living room with Nancy.
Wednesdays – Cooking Club. Stay in, and watch a cooking how-to video from Becky Hennen.