and yoyou may losese weight. adults l lost up to o 14 poun. ozempipic® isnsn t for people witith type 1 d diabet. don t sharare needless or penens, or reususe needle. don t takeke ozempic® if youou or your f family evever had mededullary ththyroid cancncer, or have e multiple e endocrie neoplasisia syndromeme type , oror if allergrgic to it.. ststop ozempicic® and getet medical l help rightht away ifif you get a a lump or swellining in your r neck, severe s stomach paiain, or a an allergicic reaction. seserious sidede effects may inclclude pancrereatitis. gallblbladder proboblems may o . tell y your providider about vision p problems oror change. tataking ozempmpic® wiwith a sulfofonylurea or insululin may incncrease low blood d sugar risksk. side effffects like e nausea, vomimiting, and d diarrhea may lead t to dehydratation, whicich may worsrsen kidneyey problems.s. join t the millionons alreadady taking o ozempic®. ask yourur health cacare provir abouout the ozemempic® triri-z
inin studies, , the majoriritf people reaeached an a1a1c undeder 7 and mamaintained i. ozempipic® lowerers the risksf mamajor cardioiovascular e evs such a as stroke, , heart atta, or d death in adadults alsoo with knownwn heart disisease. and yoyou may losese weight. adults l lost up to o 14 poun. ozempipic® isnsn t for people witith type 1 d diabet. don t sharare needless or penens, or reususe needle. don t takeke ozempic® if youou or your f family evever had mededullary ththyroid cancncer, or have e multiple e endocrie neoplasisia syndromeme type , oror if allergrgic to it.. ststop ozempicic® and getet medical l help rightht away ifif you get a a lump or swellining in your r neck, severe s stomach paiain, or a an allergicic reaction. seserious sidede effects may inclclude pancrereatitis. gallblbladder proboblems may o . tell y your providider about vision p problems oror change. tataking ozempmpic® wiwith a sulfofonylurea or insululin may incncrease low blood d sugar risksk. si
stay witith us. in my ozempic® tri-zone,e, i lowered d my a1c, cvcv ris, anand lost somome weight.. in studieses, the majority o of people reacached an a1c1c under 7 and mainintained it.t. ozempic® lowers ththe risk of m major cardidiovascular r s such a as stroke, , heart atta, oror death in n adults also witith known heheart dise. and d you may lolose weight. adults l lost up to o 14 poun. ozempicc® isn t for peopople withth type 1 didiabetes. dodon t sharare needles s or , or reusese needles.. dodon t takeke ozempic® if youou or your f family ever hadad medullaryry thyroid d cancer, or have e multiple e endocrie neoplasisia syndromeme type , or if alallergic to o it. stop ozempmpic® and g get medidical help r right awayy if youou get a lumump or s swelling inin your neck, severe stotomach pain,n, or n allergic r reaction. seriouous side effffects may include e pancreatititis. gallllbladder prproblems mayay . tetell your prprovider abobout n problelems or chananges. taking o oze