Following a vote from NZEI Te Riu Roa members, NZEI advised on 16 October to all employers party to the Early Childhood Education Collective Agreement 2023 (ECECA), that a strike will take place. This affects around 100 Early Childhood Centres whose .
Smaller class sizes are one of the most important steps we can make to improve learning in primary schools, NZEI Te Riu Roa said today off the back of a Ministerial Advisory Group Reviewing School Staffing announcement. NZEI Te Riu Roa president Mark Potter .
The president of NZEI Te Riu Roa, Mark Potter, says the National Party’s new education policy requiring all schools and all teachers to teach literacy in the same way ignores the importance of the professional judgement teachers make daily about what works .
Area school teachers have voted to accept the latest Ministry of Education collective agreement offer. The offer followed prolonged campaigning by area school teacher members, including participation in the largest education strike in New Zealand history .
Primary teachers have voted to accept the latest Ministry of Education collective agreement offer. This was the fourth offer put to teachers and follows a long negotiation campaign which included the largest education strike in this country’s history. .