Between 1095 and 1291 the Catholic Church sponsored and blessed crusades to the Holy Land that were intended to recover Jerusalem and its surrounding area from Islamic rule. It is important to remember this period of history because of its devastating impact on Jews and their communities at the time and the tendency these days…
Gracious and merciful God, in a wonderful sacrament you have given us a memorial of the passion of your Son Jesus Christ; grant that we who receive these sacred mysteries may grow up into him in all things until we come to your eternal joy; through our Saviour Jesus Christ who is alive with with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen
Jun 2, 2021 | liturgy |
The tradition of giving thanks for the institution of the Eucharist (in the story of Jesus’ life on a Thursday) has long been celebrated on the first “free” Thursday outside of Lent/Easter. People connect it with Juliana of Liège. Thomas Aquinas, at the request of Pope Urban IV in the year 1264, produced the Mass and the Offices for the feast. And he wrote the hymns
Lauda Sion and
Pange Lingua in its honour.
It is omitted in the 1549, 1552, 1559, and 1662 Books of Common Prayer, returning in 1928 – but without a date in the Calendar. This approach continues in The Episcopal Church’s BCP. The Church of England’s