Western Asset Investment Grade Income Fund Inc. (NYSE:PAI – Get Free Report) announced a dividend on Tuesday, August 22nd, investing.com reports. Shareholders of record on Thursday, August 24th will be paid a dividend of 0.0465 per share by the financial services provider on Friday, September 1st. This represents a yield of 4.86%. The ex-dividend date […]
Western Asset Investment Grade Income Fund Inc. (NYSE:PAI – Get Free Report) announced a dividend on Tuesday, August 22nd, investing.com reports. Investors of record on Thursday, August 24th will be given a dividend of 0.0465 per share by the financial services provider on Friday, September 1st. This represents a yield of 4.86%. The ex-dividend date […]
Western Asset Investment Grade Income Fund Inc. (NYSE:PAI – Get Free Report) shares crossed below its two hundred day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of $11.90 and traded as low as $11.66. Western Asset Investment Grade Income Fund shares last traded at $11.74, with […]
Western Asset Investment Grade Income Fund Inc. (NYSE:PAI – Free Report) was the recipient of a large increase in short interest during the month of June. As of June 15th, there was short interest totalling 1,400 shares, an increase of 27.3% from the May 31st total of 1,100 shares. Based on an average trading volume […]
Western Asset Investment Grade Income Fund Inc. (NYSE:PAI – Get Rating) was the target of a significant growth in short interest during the month of May. As of May 31st, there was short interest totalling 1,100 shares, a growth of 1,000.0% from the May 15th total of 100 shares. Based on an average daily volume […]