Newell Brands Inc. (NYSE:NWL – Get Rating)’s share price rose 0.8% during trading on Thursday . The company traded as high as $12.29 and last traded at $12.14. Approximately 3,160,423 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 32% from the average daily volume of 4,676,398 shares. The stock had previously closed at $12.04. […]
Wall Street analysts predict that Newell Brands Inc. (NYSE:NWL – Get Rating) will announce sales of $2.57 billion for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Six analysts have made estimates for Newell Brands’ earnings. The lowest sales estimate is $2.55 billion and the highest is $2.59 billion. Newell Brands reported sales of […]
Analysts forecast that Newell Brands Inc. (NYSE:NWL – Get Rating) will report $2.57 billion in sales for the current quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Six analysts have issued estimates for Newell Brands’ earnings. The highest sales estimate is $2.59 billion and the lowest is $2.55 billion. Newell Brands reported sales of $2.71 billion during […]
Equities research analysts expect Newell Brands Inc. (NYSE:NWL – Get Rating) to report $0.48 earnings per share (EPS) for the current quarter, Zacks reports. Six analysts have made estimates for Newell Brands’ earnings. The lowest EPS estimate is $0.47 and the highest is $0.50. Newell Brands posted earnings per share of $0.56 during the same […]
Wall Street brokerages expect that Newell Brands Inc. (NYSE:NWL – Get Rating) will post $2.27 billion in sales for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Six analysts have made estimates for Newell Brands’ earnings. The lowest sales estimate is $2.24 billion and the highest is $2.30 billion. Newell Brands reported sales of $2.29 billion during […]