LDR Capital Management LLC grew its stake in Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:KW – Get Rating) by 7.9% in the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 231,516 shares of the financial services provider’s stock after acquiring an additional 16,978 shares […]
StockNews.com downgraded shares of Kennedy-Wilson (NYSE:KW – Get Rating) from a hold rating to a sell rating in a research report released on Tuesday. Separately, TheStreet upgraded Kennedy-Wilson from a c rating to a b- rating in a research note on Tuesday, February 21st. Kennedy-Wilson Stock Performance Kennedy-Wilson stock opened at $16.59 on Tuesday. The […]
Kennedy-Wilson (NYSE:KW – Get Rating) was downgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday. Separately, TheStreet raised shares of Kennedy-Wilson from a “c” rating to a “b-” rating in a research report on Tuesday, February 21st. Kennedy-Wilson Stock Performance […]
ProShare Advisors LLC boosted its holdings in shares of Kennedy-Wilson Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:KW – Get Rating) by 20.0% during the 4th quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The institutional investor owned 549,115 shares of the financial services provider’s stock after buying an additional 91,533 shares during the quarter. ProShare Advisors LLC’s holdings in Kennedy-Wilson were worth $8,638,000 as […]
Kennedy-Wilson (NYSE:KW – Get Rating) was upgraded by StockNews.com from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a note issued to investors on Monday. Separately, TheStreet upgraded shares of Kennedy-Wilson from a “c” rating to a “b-” rating in a research report on Tuesday, February 21st. Kennedy-Wilson Stock Performance KW traded up $0.60 during […]