Danaos Co. (NYSE:DAC – Get Rating) was the target of a significant increase in short interest in April. As of April 30th, there was short interest totalling 721,300 shares, an increase of 42.9% from the April 15th total of 504,800 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 477,700 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is presently […]
StockNews.com upgraded shares of Danaos (NYSE:DAC – Get Rating) from a hold rating to a buy rating in a research note released on Thursday. Other analysts have also recently issued reports about the company. Jefferies Financial Group upped their price objective on Danaos from $110.00 to $125.00 and gave the stock a buy rating in […]
Danaos Co. (NYSE:DAC – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant drop in short interest during the month of February. As of February 28th, there was short interest totalling 202,900 shares, a drop of 63.1% from the February 13th total of 550,400 shares. Approximately 1.8% of the company’s shares are short sold. Based on […]
Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC increased its holdings in shares of Danaos Co. (NYSE:DAC – Get Rating) by 375.0% in the third quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the SEC. The firm owned 16,386 shares of the shipping company’s stock after purchasing an additional 12,936 shares during the period. Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC owned […]