cori bush accusingity speeersity of targeting, saying we must protect free speechprots and dissent. and ilhan omar is now denyintsao these protests have anything to do with jewish people? no, n y o. it s only about being anti-war. there has been a risent in targeting and harassment against anti-war protesters because it s been pro-war and anti-war protesters. joining now is stephen miller, former senior adviser to president trump and founder of americat le first legal. i mean, stephen, leave ituad. to the squad to just say out loud they re, willing to say, no, this has nothing to do with israel, nothing to do with jewish people. we re just anti war. what do you say to that?t? when you accuse jews of forof engaging in self-defense? it is one of the most monstrous libels i can possiblcany imagin this is a military action