Western Digital has launched the WD Black SN770 NVMe SSD in India, aimed at gamers who need high performance. The new NVMe SSD uses the PCIe Gen4 connector on modern motherboards, with up to 5.1GBps read speeds. The NVMe SSD drives are available in four storage variants, and will be sold via Amazon and other retailers, according to Western Digital.
Samsung Electronics has developed the PM1743 SSD for enterprise servers, integrating the PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) 5.0 interface with Samsung s advanced sixth-generation V-NAND.
Western Digital WD Blue SN570 NVMe SSD has been launched in India. The new SSD comes with read speeds of up to 3.5GBps and is aimed at creators. Customers can buy the M.2-compatible SSD in three storage options and prices begin at Rs. 3,899 for the base 250GB storage variant.