49.4 mt of food distributed
US$ 3.3 m six months (November 2020-April 2021) net funding requirements
14,372 people assisted in October 2020
Operational Updates
• In October, the UNICEF-WFP social protection project supported 1,011 households (approx. 7,077 people) with mobile cash transfers. The project transfers monthly XOF 40,000 (approx. USD 72) for three months to targeted families in the eight rural sectors with the highest prevalence of food insecurity and urban Bissau. WFP and UNICEF presented, in a workshop with partners, the results of the project’s baseline assessment, which revealed that 40 percent of beneficiary households had inadequate food consumption, significantly higher than the national average.
• WFP in coordination with the Ministry of Education plans to resume the on-site school-feeding programme in early November. The agreement follows the decision by the Government to gradually reopen schools from 5 October onward, after being closed since 18 March