Radicals and government hawks threaten Avaz journalists
Embassies in Sarajevo, journalist associations, international organizations, police and prosecutors are informed about everything E. T.
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Radicals and government hawks threaten Avaz journalists
A facsimile of a leaflet circulating on the Internet and social networks
Foto: Avaz
In recent days, a leaflet has been circulating on Facebook and other social networks in which radical elements and a respirator octopus calls for a lynching and attack on Daily avaz journalists for our writing about the Respirators affair, the situation at the Sarajevo Clinical Center., giving space in our newspapers for opposition views and messages from protests of citizens who are dissatisfied with how the government in the Federation, led by the SDA, responded to the coronavirus pandemic, and because of the catastrophic effect, ie non-procurement of vaccines to save endangered lives of the people in Federation o
Čampara testified in Court of B&H: ISA works for SDA interests, Mehmedagić participates in party personnel policy
I am not hiding behind any reports, nor is it true that I am a foreign spy, but I want to point out the illegal actions of ISA M. Aščić
Čampara testified in Court of B&H: ISA works for SDA interests, Mehmedagić participates in party personnel policy
Aljoša Čampara, the Minister of Internal Affairs of FB&H, said this morning in the continuation of the trial of Osman Mehmedagić, the director of ISA, and Muhamed Pekić, an employee of this agency, that the Intelligence Service of B&H was privatized and worked for the interests of the SDA political party.