AsiaOne has launched EarthOne, a new section dedicated to environmental issues because we love the planet and we believe science. Find articles like this there. BRUSSELS - With this week's UN climate science report laying bare the staggering economic costs and losses already faced from climate change, an inevitable question arises: who should pay? Within UN climate negotiations, "loss.
By Kate Abnett BRUSSELS (Reuters) - With this week's U.N. climate science report laying bare the staggering economic costs and losses already faced fr.
Climate change is causing widespread loss and damage to lives, livelihoods, homes and natural habitats, with ever more severe effects to come, the UN has said.
Leaders from across the global green economy are urging policymakers and business decision-makers to heed the findings of major new report from hundreds of climate scientists, accelerating efforts on adaptation, decarbonisation, backed with adequa.