Reports of near-death experiences have long intrigued and captivated us with tales of white light, encounters with departed loved ones, and hearing mysterious voices. These common elements in near-death accounts raise the question of whether there is a deeper reality underlying these experiences. A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of…
Two people who died after cardiac arrest had a sudden spike in gamma wave activity in their brain after they were removed from a ventilator. What does it mean?
Two people who died after cardiac arrest had a sudden spike in gamma wave activity in their brain after they were removed from a ventilator. What does it mean?
Reports of near-death experiences with tales of white light, visits from departed loved ones, hearing voices, among other attributes capture our imagination and are deeply engrained in our cultural landscape.
Michigan, May 3: Near-death experience accounts that include stories of white light, visitation from deceased loved ones, hearing voices, among other characteristics, grab our imagination and are ingrained in our culture.