At 11:39 a.m. ET, the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 266.21 points, marking a 0.69 per cent increase to reach 38,863.19. Simultaneously, the S&P 500 rose by 51.35 points, reflecting a 1.00 per cent gain, and stood at 5,198.56.
Bulls may need the support, as hedge funds and retail investors are tilted defensively following the strong end to the year, with worries around the timing of the Federal Reserve’s rate cuts adding to the caution.
All three major U.S. stock posted gains as chips surged, led by Micron Technology after its better-than-expected quarterly forecast, putting the tech-heavy Nasdaq out front.
“Absent rapid Fed easing, we expect a more challenging macro backdrop for stocks next year with softening consumer trends at a time when investor positioning and sentiment have mostly reversed,” Lakos-Bujas wrote Wednesday in a note to clients, along with his team, including chief market strategist Marko Kolanovic.