growing calls from both sides of the aisle for him to resign immediately. ainsley: our next guest has been pushing for cuomo to step down. new york g.o.p. congresswoman nicole malliotakis and she joins us now. good morning to you, congresswoman. good morning. ainsley: you called for him to resign after the nursing home incident, now what do you think after this came out yesterday? that s correct. months ago i was on your show saying that the governor should row sign because of his mishandling in nursing homes that led to 15,000 deaths. now this has only exacerbated the need for governor cuomo to go. i said previously that he was going to go either by resignation, by conviction of a crime, by impeachment, or at the ballot box. it seems more and more likely that it will be either by resignation or impeachment because i believe the state legislature, which is controlled fully by democrats has the vote to move forward with impeachment. steve: it s interesting, congresswoman, because th
right now. i was talking to the owners earlier. i noticed we were standing right on this. i said, what s that? the owner of this house, harry, said that s my bathroom. his bathroom here washed out on to the sand here. i will tell you, jake, the necessities are starting to arrive, albeit slowly. food is here. the military convoys have been running north and south. the people in this house were able to get a resupply of food and water. but again, more than anything, they just want to be able to reach the outside world, tell them they re okay. they also want information. they want to know when more help is coming and when they can expect things to get back up online here. john berman, thank you so much. let s go to cnn s senior medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen. she s at the horrific scene in hollywood, florida where at least six people died after a nursing home incident right next door for a hospital, of all places. elizabeth, do we know how long these bodies were inside? there