CRNAs deliver anesthesia to millions of patients each year in hospitals, surgical centers and pain management facilities. They play an especially important role in rural America.
“It is immoral to hold professionals back from providing excellent patient care,” said Joseph Rodriguez with the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology.
residency training. we have shortage of anesthesiologists so we have nurse anesthesiologists. in my own practice i have superb medical assistants. i have nurses and p.a.s that work with me. they are a big component of what we do every day. without them none of us could survive. megyn: but they can t replace you. it sounds like we had a doctor shortage after obama-care and obama-care did nothing to solve the doctor shortage. so it didn t solve the doctor shortage, yet it added millions to the insurance roles. so i think that s one piece of it. we ll be understaffed. but the business you are talking about, about more regulations and restrictions on how you practice is what folks worry about as well. is somebody now telling you what tests you can and cannot order? you better believe they are.