Since its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has claimed Kyiv is developing biological weapons with support from the US and Germany. Experts familiar with laboratories in Ukraine say the accusations are groundless.
The only thing more nightmarish than eight years of former President Barack Obama has, so far, been one year of his vice president, Joe Biden being in office, but we're just beginning to see [.]
An investigation has found that former President Barack Obama led the charge to build and fund a very dangerous biological research facility in Ukraine that handled and experimented on some of [.]
Dr. Francis Boyle, a human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, says NATO is using Ukraine to “surround Russia” with biological [.]
Newly leaked documents show that Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) led the charge during his White House occupation to seize control over Ukraine's Soviet-era bioweapons facilities. [.]