Police have charged a teenage boy following investigations into a deliberately lit fire near Tamworth. In October 2019, an out of control bushfire destroyed approximately 533 hectares of the Nundle State Forest. The fire was reported to police and officers from Oxley Police District commenced an . by Samantha Poate | NBN News-News, Sport & Weather
Detectives are asking anyone with information about this maroon Toyota Hilux or its occupants to come forward.
Police are trying to track down a ute they’re hoping can lead them to more answers surrounding a suspicious bushfire in the state’s northwest two years ago.
The blaze, which took hold in the Nundle State Forest on 26 October 2019, exhausted RFS crews and decimated $3 million worth of a pine timber plantation.
The bushfire’s smoke blanketed Tamworth, more than 50 kilometres, with helicopters and large aerial tankers called in to help get the fire under control.
More than 400 hectares of forest was lost, as a result.