the new s.t.a.r.t. treaty than without it. reporter: after a year of negotiations, president and russian president dmitry it took perseverance but we never gave up. reporter: it requires both countries to reduce nuke warheads 30%, from 2200 to 1550 each. cut long-range missiles and heavy bombers by 50%. and establish monitoring and verification for these weapons. some republicans expressed reservations that the preamble to the treaty could restrict evf a le i really am concerned that the russians are going to make conditions that allow us never to develop missile defense. i m not making this up. reporter: nuclear disarmament with russia is one of president obama s top priorities. some americans criticize the president for not being as supportive of the 9/11 health care bill for first responders. mr. president, please step up to the mound for those who worked on the pile. reporter: the senate is expected to vote on that bill after the s.t.a.r.t. treaty. brad wheelis, abc n