thousands of private photos of women are being shared without their consent on the social media app telegram. the app now has more than 500 million users worldwide. the investigation found nude pictures shared in telegram channels in more than 20 countries, despite the platform s claims that it moderates public spaces and removes illegal pornography. sara is from havana, cuba s capital city. she comes here to find calm ever since she found out that a nude photo she d taken and shared with one other person had been posted on the social media app telegram. we ve changed her name for her safety. she doesn t know for sure how it ended up in a group with 18,000 followers, many of whom are from her neighbourhood, and may all have seen her naked. translation: i saw super-vulgar
than 500 million users worldwide. the investigation found nude pictures shared in telegram channels in more than 20 countries, despite the platform s claims that it moderates public spaces and removes illegal pornography. sara is from havana, cuba s capital city. she comes here to find calm ever since she found out that a nude photo she d taken and shared with one other person had been posted on the social media app telegram. we ve changed her name for her safety. she doesn t know for sure how it ended up in a group with 18,000 followers, many of whom are from her neighbourhood, and may all have seen her naked. translation: i saw super-vulgar comments about how hot i was, i asking if there were more photos of me. sara reported the picture of her to telegram, but got no response. our investigation found groups