Why is treatment and packaging so important? Treatment and packaging are two separate but important parts of the waste lifecycle. Treatment is all about
Some bits of good news. Rooftop solar capacity has increased by an unprecedented 349% in South Africa in just over a year. The all-female, grassroots network moving millions away from fossil fuels' Positive news: A ship powered by rubbish docked in the UK. The pitter patter of tiny beaver feet returned to the UK capital. #antinuclear #nuclear-free #NoNukes TOP STORIES. …
buried in the small print in the accompanying Job Description are the words ‘the post is fully funded by Nuclear Waste Services’ and the post is described as ‘Permanent’. https://www.nuclearpolicy.info/news/lincolnshire-a-green-and-nuclear-promised-land/ 6 Oct 23 #nuclear #antinuclear #nuclear-free #NoNukes Lincolnshire County Council intends to ‘pursue nuclear schemes which respond to the growth of the sector’ by creating…
NWS is on record as saying that a willing community could trump unsuitablegeology. Nuclear Waste Services have taken this decision to withdrawAllerdale without carrying out seismic blasting in the Solway area to‘investigate the geology.’ We believe that this is because of thevigorous campaign we have led against the invasive and damaging seismictesting by Nuclear Waste…