Hearing will come to order. I welcome everybody to this hybrid hearing. Both Ranking Member mister heiss and myself have wanted to have hearings resume in person. Especially when we are in session i made a promise to mister heiss that i would fight for that and today is the fruit of that effort i believe when we were in session, to the extent possible, protecting everybodys health and safety, we can and should be meeting like this. At least in hybrid form those members who are not comfortable or who physically cannot join us in the hearing room are more than welcome to join us through the web. We are happy to have them. We ask everybody, when they are not speaking, to wear a mask that is the guidance and the capitol hill position. That is the guidance of the chairwoman of this committee. It protects everybody i really appreciate that cooperation. Let me see. For members appearing remotely, just a few reminders before i get my Opening Statement. House rules require that we see you so pl
Do we ask everyone to turn on their cameras . Were getting ready to get started. The hearing will come to order. I welcome everybody to this hybrid hearing. Both ranks member mr. Hysse and myself have wanted to have hearings resume in person especially when we are in session. I made a promise that i would fight for that, and today is the fruit of that effort. I believe when were in session protecting everybody, those who are not comfortable or physically cannot join us in the hearings room, are more than welcome to join us through web i no noor. We ask everybody when they were not speaking, to wear a mask. I really appreciate that cooperation of for members appears remotely. House rules require that we see you, so police have your cameras turned on at all times during the course of the hearing. If they can let us you can use the chat function to send a request. And if that doesnt work, you can unmute and seek recognition. These arent ideal circumstances, but we are in the midst of a pa
House has been suspiciously empty of people. I understand a. Have convened for legislative session a grand total of two days, two in the last eight weeks. At this point im wondering if we should send senators over their to collect their newspapers and water the plants. Its not just their physical absence madam president its House Democrats absent from any serious discussion at all. About the only product in their link is a battle has been in 1800 page, 3 trilliondollar bill that couldnt even unite their own conference. Yesterday the speaker announced it will continue for another 45 days at least. There is a new wrinkle. House democrats held the president breaking proposed propose voting scheme that will let one member cast 10 event additional votes. One member cast 10 additional votes. Actually one person. Remember these are the people who want to remake every state election laws. There are several problems of this and what happens to be article section 1 of the u. S. Constitution whic
What we should do with used nuclear fuel thats accumulating at our Nations Nuclear reactors. As a starting point, we should recognize Nuclear Energy is an important part of our countrys electric generation. I believe it is a vital part of our mix. Large reactors that dot the landscape provide reliable power to communities across the country. The Nuclear Industry is critically important, but also faces a number of challenges and one that has impact since the first reactors began operation is Nuclear Waste disposition. Beginning with passage of the Nuclear Waste policy act of 1982, congress has attempted several times to address the back end of the fuel cycle, in an effort to resolve earlier stalemate, the federal government was supposed to begin taking title to use fuel and moving it to a repository at yuca mountain in nevada beginning in 1988. The governments failure to deliver on this promise is costing taxpayers up to 2 million per day. This hearing is an opportunity to consider the
Sorry. Go back. So, when we think about the internet of things, we in industry, in government, we think in history and government, we think about industrial control. We think about lighting, parking. Those are all very good and things that can save us money and increase our efficiency and do those things, but our users are thinking other things. Users are thinking about their smartphone, their smart thermostat, toaster, if you will, and all of the many devices they want to bring. To our users, this has become very important. Especially when you talk about the new workforce that is entering our businesses and our government, the younger generations are coming in with this preconceived notion all of these things are going to work. And in fact, bitcom did a study where they surveyed 14 to 29yearolds and they asked them, i cannot imagine life without . The answer was mobile phone was 97 . Internet was 84 . And a car, which was very becoming less important and most telling of this survey is