The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission has greenlit a proposed nuclear waste storage facility in Chalk River, Ont., after a years-long battle waged by concerned citizens, environmentalists and First Nations.
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories' draft environmental impact statement for the proposed in-situ decommissioning of the Whiteshell Reactor 1 has now passed the regulator's completeness check and entered the final technical review stage.
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Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) is planning a radioactive waste landfill and a nuclear reactor disposal facility near the Ottawa River, upstream from Ottawa and many other communities.
CNL claims these plans would be an improvement over the status quo. How credible is that claim? While a landfill might help in the short term, exposing wastes to extreme weather events is risky. In the longer term, CNL’s own reports suggest that our descendants could be living downstream from a leaking and disintegrating pile.
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Try refreshing your browser, or Hendrickson: Council can do more to protect the Ottawa River from radioactive leaks Back to video