Be conducted as fiveminute votes. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from rhode island, mr. Cicilline, to suspend the rules nd pass s. 1678. On which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk senate 1678. An act to express United States support for taiwan diplomatic alliances around the world. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass s. 1678. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 415, the nays are 0. 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill
Informed or doesnt inform your approach at ferc. Absolute. Thank you foryo having me and is a pleasure to you today. Yes, i did spend a good chunk of my youth in lexington, kentucky, and obviously had the opportunity to serve the senior senator and party leader from kentucky in the United States senate, senator mcconnell. In terms of how that informs my work at the commission, i cant quantify how much i learned from senator mcconnell just about his work ethic and his discipline and his leadership style, his approach to governance is approach to bipartisanship i think, you knew, in my working for him, most of, if not all of the legislative initiatives that ieg worked on, it didnt pass the senate with 60 votes. They pass with 85 plus votes. Oftentimes, and were talking substantial legislation on the energy front, on the Infrastructure Sector multiple. Farm bills, multiple highways built. Hes a consequential pieces of hgislation, and i saw how senator mcconnell worked to bridge the intere
Good morning everyone. The committee will come to order we are meeting to examine an issue that effectively weve been at a stalemate for quite some time. What we should do with used nuclear fuel accumulating at the Nuclear Reactors. At a starting point we should recognize that Nuclear Energy is an important part of our countrys electric generation. I believe its a vital part of our mix. The large reactors not landscape provide reliable admissions free power to communities across our country. Our Nations Nuclear industry is critically important but it also faces a number of challenges and one that impacted the first reactors began operation and Nuclear Waste disposition. Beginning with the passage of the Nuclear Waste policy act of 1982 congress attempted several times to address the backend of the fuel cycle. In an effort to resolve an earlier stalemate the federal government was supposed to begin taking title to use fuel and moving it to a repository at Yucca Mountain in nevada beginn
All right. This hearing will come to order, without objection the chair is authorized to declare recess at any time. Good afternoon, welcome to todays hearing. The future of electricity delivery, modernizing and securing our nations electricity grid. I want to thank all of our witnesses for joining us here today. This is such an important topic. Im a young guy as you can tell but i have read history about what it was like when we first started building the electric grid over a century ago now. I dont think we could have imagined the technologies that we would use to power or homes and businesses and hospitals and everything today. And i think the challenge is different, you know, back then the real challenge was just extending power itself throughout every corner of our society, and there was a challenge which was that those providing power knew they could make money in the cities in well Populated Areas in places with a lot of business and commercial opportunities, but it was not as p