The fallout from EDF's confirmation its flagship Hinkley Point nuclearproject is facing further delays and budget overruns continued yesterday,with reports French Ministers are preparing to call on their UKcounterparts to help shoulder some of the ballooning costs faced by thestate-owned energy giant. The FT reported the French government ispreparing to call directly on the Westminster…
Planet Radio 24 Jan 24 Workers at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) at Aldermaston and Burghfield are on a 24-hour strike after two months of other forms of industrial action in a dispute over pay. Action short of a strike started in mid-November and will re-commence on Thursday January 25. ................
A major nuclear plant that Britain’s government hopes will generate affordable, low-carbon energy could cost up to 46 billion pounds, or $59 billion, and the completion date could be delayed to after 2029 abc news, By SYLVIA HUI Associated Press, January 25, 2024 LONDON A major nuclear plant that Britain's government hopes will generate affordable,…
Center-right leader Manfred Weber says EU needs to prepare for war without US help and must build its own atomic shield. Politico, BY JAKOB HANKE VELA AND NICOLAS CAMUT, JANUARY 25, 2024 Facing the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, the head of the EU's biggest political grouping is calling for Europeans to prepare…
Britain's flagship Hinkley Point C nuclear plant has been delayed until2029 at the earliest, with the cost spiralling to as much as £46bn, in thelatest blow to a project at the heart of the country's long-term energyplans. The surging bill and slipping schedule, announced on Tuesday by theFrench state-owned operator and constructor EDF, will put…