covid hit the black communities. that is where the focus should be caring for the patients. that is not exactly what is happening right now. medical school admissions. because black applicants have been low, in order to get more black applicants as well as higher black admissions, they are lowering the bar for them to actually get into medical school. instead of coming up with funding and support for programs to elevate black applicants to be dependent with peers, they are lowering the bar and listening to metrics to get into medical school. this is an insult to the black community. this goes against do no harm, which is supposed to be to provide best care and not make it easier to treat patients. kayleigh: that is an important nuance point you make. we saw disparity including treatment and tried to rectify as best as we can making sure a community centers or covid research with equal care for
working in a company that really is like that the one described in the nyt would be crazy to stay. i know i would leave a company like that. he said if anything close like that has happened in their personal stories, he encourages them to report it to hr or to him and make as nuance point about the talent war that goes on at tech companies and he said, you know, talent is really hard to come by. so if we treated people really badly, we d never be able to hire the best talent. the rumors would get around. mark cohen said he sent some of his best and brightest students from columbia and he hasn t heard a complaint. that speaks to a larger truth there. before i let you go, there s new information about the irs data breach? that s right. the irs is saying there s more