Amaravati: The Andhra Pradesh state government said that they are not planning to cancel the exams. Class 10 and intermediate exams have only been postponed and will not be cancelled. Education Minister Adimulapu Suresh confirmed the news while taking part in the programme in East Godavari. The ministers came together to unveil a statue of Dr B.R Ambedkar at JNTUK premises.
Updated Jun 6, 2021, 12:48 am IST
Govt expects intensity of infections to ease in July
Education Minister Adimulapu Suresh.
KAKINADA: The state government has no intention of cancelling Class 10 and Intermediate examinations and these have only been postponed, said education minister Adimulapu Suresh while participating in several programmes in East Godavari district on Saturday.
He, along with ministers K. Kannababu, P. Viswaroop and Ch. Venugopala Krishna, Kakinada MP Vanga Gita, Kakinada MLA Dwarampudi Chandrasekhar Reddy. special chief secretary (education) Satish Chandra, and collector D. Muralidhar Reddy, unveiled a bronze statue of Dr B.R Ambedkar at JNTUK premises here.
Suresh said that keeping in view the concerns of parents and health of teachers, the exams were postponed due to the Covid-19 second wave. It was expected that in July the intensity of the virus would come down and then the exams would be considered.