le peop wh it moderate to severe psoasisri, are rethinking the choices they mak li ske theplh thasey catere e entrance they make, the surprises they initiat otezla. it s a choiceu yocamaken . ez otlas no it a cream. it s a pl thilat tats replaq uepsorsis iadiffentlery. witha, otezl 7 5%clearer skin ievs achiab. n t douse if youle re alrgotic to ez. it may cause sevarere dirh, ea nausea, or vg.omitin ez is laassociated wit h an ineasecrd risk of depr.ession tell youorr doct iyou f have a hist dory ofepssioren or suicil thdaoughorts ithesf e feelings dev soplme peoe kingta otezla reported weight loss. your doctor shouldonit mor your weit anmay d stopreat tment upperespr iraty or tract infectn an d heachead mayccur o. tell your ctordo about your mesedicin, and if you re ntpregna or p lanning to be. otezla. show more of o donnellde: feral investigators are log okininto at caused a ghfreit aitrn to ju tmphe tracks toneday ar indianolapis. tmorehaa n dozen cars dleeraid,