but the wonderful thing is that i was taken back a couple of nights later to see what happened. laughter my pa used to be able to. he could recite the whole of hiawatha. and my. jeff, my brother, as i said, he wanted to be an actor, used to.he suddenly would launch into a huge, for once upon a raw and gusty day, the troubled tiber chafing with her shores; caesar said to me, darest thou cassius, now, leap in with me in to this angry flood and swim to yonder point?” and we d go, oh, jeff! we d be going. but it would go on for five minutes! jeff actually went to the rsc, didn t he? he certainly did. did he lead the way for you in that way? well, i expect he certainly did. but i was taken to stratford, by my parents again, in.in. ..in 1953, i think. and that would have been the very first shakespeare that you saw? no! oh, no. i d seen shakespeare a long,
The brief argues the Colorado Supreme Court "misapplied the Constitution to impermissibly exclude a candidate for federal office from the ballot in the Republican Party’s upcoming primary election."
Former White House aide Steve Bannon criticized Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) Friday, calling the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) chair a “gutless coward.” Bannon suggested that Daines is just being used by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and would purposely avoid backing candidates endorsed by former President Trump. “I hate to be…