Law firm Crowell & Moring will move its downtown Washington, D.C., headquarters to a new, smaller office after 35 years of working in the same building.
Crowell & Moring has sued its Washington, D.C., landlord to recover $30 million that the law firm said it was not required to pay in rent amid office space disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
A New York real estate lawyer who has been accused by creditors of misusing client funds has reached a plea agreement with prosecutors and will surrender for arrest next month, the Manhattan district attorney's office told a federal bankruptcy judge on Tuesday.
The White House said it regretted the Supreme Court's decision on Thursday to end the Biden administration's pandemic-related federal moratorium on evictions, and urged states, cities, landlords and others to do what they could to help.
Accused murderer Robert Durst, the multimillionaire real estate heir, returned to the witness stand on Wednesday at Los Angeles County Superior Court, testifying in his own defense on charges of killing longtime confidante Susan Berman.