Central banks are searching for opportunities to include financial innovations in their plans as the global financial system becomes increasingly digital. A CBDC, an instant payment system, an Open Finance model and internationalization through foreign-exchange laws are all part of Agenda BC# introduced by the Central Bank of Brazil.
<p><span>Today, SETL published a technical whitepaper detailing the Regulated Liability Network’s (RLN) performance tests on SETL s Global Banking Blockchain, on an environment run on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The network was capable of processing 1 million transactions per second (tps). The full whitepaper is available </span><a href="https://74n5c4m7.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fsetl.io%2Fthe-regulated-liability-network-rln-whitepaper-on-scalability-and-performance%2F/1/0102017d93e653fc-d9760398-a64a-46f0-b60a-19094f7f7326-000000/abhHmDkWAufsduCFxbNqKY8qxFM=247"><span>here</span></a><span>.</span></p>