Shops and malls in Bengaluru were vandalised over displaying non-Kannada boards on Wednesday by activists of the Karnataka Rakshana Vedike, a pro-Kannada outfit.
A biopic on the bard of Tiruvaiyaru
Bombay Gnanam’s Endaro Mahanubhavulu captures the life of Tyagaraja for the big screen
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Bombay Gnanam’s Endaro Mahanubhavulu captures the life of Tyagaraja for the big screen
Real life is always much more inspiring and engaging than fiction. But to portray the life of a person in a movie or play is always more difficult.
But Bombay Gnanam, actor and founder of Mahalakshmi Ladies Drama Group Trust, has quite successfully brought out the spirit and essence of Tyagaraja’s life in the film
Endaro Mahanubhavulu. The powerful dramatisation of the significant events from the saint-poet’s life, the remarkable restraint exhibited by the actors, and the vibrant screenplay make the 100-minute film worth watching.