well, we re sad to tell you it s been yet another tough week for national public radio . on tuesday, npr reporteday that conservative supreme courtn justice neil gorsuch was terrifying his colleagues with his crazed anti science behavior. apparently gorsuch wasn t n tttwearing his little obediene mask and highly sensitive sonia sotomayor was too afraid to come to work. you would o justt expect from a mansplaining like neil gorsuch. well,, it turns out the story wasn t true . oops, sorry about that . and yet we kept listening to npr anyway because npr is abouty so much more than facts. npr istu about attitude and styn . it s about making mostd entitled people in this country feel even better about themselves. it s about saying things that are off the charts crazyts but sang them in a smug singsongy tone that suggests they ve always been true . it is highly compelling radio. honestly, we can tng turn it of last week we told you about recent npr segments on anti diet dieticians and fitnes