it s called extortion. ainsley: you were talking about they are running these advertisements down in the. brian: social media and on television. ainsley: if you need a smuggler $5,000. brian: now s the time. lawrence: we will be talking about this all day. i have a big problem with even trying to solve the root causes there. have they seen the problem in our major cities too? brain brian lawrence is going to refuse to stop talking all day. i know do you a lot of shows. you cannot. lawrence: put it on me. brian: you cannot just take over of the network and talk about it all day. ainsley: are you jealous is he taking time away from you. ainsley: jillian, brian is saying that? brian: someone has to show some leadership here. ains this is a tv show. jillian: good morning, let s begin with a fox news alert. because we do have a very serious story. three police officers are shot while responding to satisfies call in wilmington, delaware. all were taken to the hospital in stable condition.
is a good faith effort. these two gentlemen are the biggest pimps in american history pimping out dead black people on a day-to-day basis to make as much money as they can. they don t have a vested interest in telling young black people to not resist arrest and to coach and inspire is good leaders to help young black people have a better experience with police, they want them to get out there and get killed so they can make a bunch of money off of it. this is ben crump on cnn today. watch. america is finally having a conversation about racial reckoning but that is just talk if we don t ask, now s the time to act, let s do it in the name of george floyd and all the others that have been taken from us by the very people who are supposed to protect and serve us.
for all of this boosting stocks, corporate and tax cuts are getting some credit here. as they spend, company profits rise and interned the stock spike. how many record closes, there s been probably a hundred but this is kind of a sugar high. any dangers? we are in it. that s severally a war with china. will it be a protracted one? with china, it could very well stretch out and what does that mean? president trump is looking at china like a dog with a bone. he s adamant that they start acting like the economic power that they are. the perception in d.c. is that china designates if this is going to be a trade war, now s the time. however if it begins to make materials that u.s. companies import from china to make their own goods here in the