what did we learn from the durham report? what did we learn from michael horowitz s report that, in fact,at do weearn fro in the, operation crossfire, hurricane never should havtz repore been n in terms of the dossier that andrew mccabe was so necessaryyr for the approval of the fisa of p that help backdoor spy on the trump campaign and presidency. what did we learn? not a single thing in that trumcy, what could be verified,t one thing. hillary clinton s bought and paid for dossierould be . so that goes on.ary the american people now have and pa culmination of two impeachments, three years of a russia hoax. now, one indictment after another after another wahoaxs to one short of follow in fulton county, georgia. whlly do you believe that? the reason that you b the president s poll numberselm keep going up after something like this happens is because thi people see this not as prosecution, but persecutiose ? yeah, i think when you sawn jack smith come to the microphone about 6 p.m. eas
all right. so while the media mobht, whil is obsessing over donald trump, things are not going for your president, joe. according to a recent new york times , sienaccorda, f of democrats now think that joe should be replaceddemocrat on the ticket by someone else in 2024. the growin should bg number ofresp respondents citing his age as their major concern his. an by the way, that s kind of easy, to understand why. bu is f easy tt also, because os failures and scandals swirling around his presidency nows engulfing his presidency, especially after yesterdaypresi biden is now spending the entire week frolicking in the not spe beach in delaware even went to seelaware the oppenheimer movie. movie told tonight. not a care in the world. if you hear a guy snoring in the back row, that s probably joe. why should he care? his dothe bag is attorney genert fully protecting him and persecuting his chief political opponent.